The Boonton United Methodist Church has a wide range of missions.
Retreats – our congregation supports participation in the following retreats: Walk to Emmaus and Tres Dias for adults and Search for High School and college age participants. These retreats help individuals deepen their relationship with Jesus. For brochures, please contact the church office.
The Loaves and Fishes Community Food Pantry – Located at 513 Birch St., Boonton, NJ in the lower level of the First Presbyterian Church. The Pantry is a joint venture of the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church. By joining forces and utilizing much bigger quarters, we are now helping over 70 families per week! The pantry is open Wednesday 4 PM to 6 PM and Saturdays from 9 AM to 11 AM. There is a secure covered receptacle outside the pantry door to receive contributions. Volunteers are always welcome! Visit or call 973-352-7668 if you’d like more info or would like to help.
Watch the video below to see how the Loaves and Fishes Community Food Pantry is serving Boonton and surrounding towns during these challenging times.
The Loaves and Fishes Community Food Pantry was featured in the July 2019 issue of The Relay.
The Prayer Chain – a dedicated group from the congregation meets every week to pray for those in need.
Project 20/20 – church members and friends donate used eyeglasses and sunglasses. The glasses are then processed for use by those in need of all faiths in underdeveloped areas of the world. The collection basket is in the Narthax. Learn more about Project 20/20 at
The Market Street Mission – our church hosts graduations; collects a variety of items needed at the mission.
Mrs. Wilson’s – Mrs. Wilson’s Halfway House is a 18-bed, residential substance abuse treatment facility. Our church provides gift bags for those arriving at the facility.
Camperships for Christian Summer Camp – The church provides funds for those children hoping to attend summer camp at a variety of Christian camps.
The Kiva Loan Project – new in 2014, the church provides loans to women in developing countries through the Kiva Project. This is a sustainable program in which women apply for loans to start or increase their businesses or complete their education. They repay the loans and the money goes back out to another woman or group.